Me and my team created a game with a good gameplay loop mixed with good level design. We made 3 levels and I did all the programming while I set the others on level design and general design. As a leader, if my colleagues fell behind I made sure to help out where I can to lessen their workload to keep our morale high.
We created this game to prove to everyone that we can work as a team, like a well oiled machine. Due to a few setbacks, such as time restrictions and last minute members leaving, we wasn't able to finish the whole game and we had to drastically cut down the scope. However, even with these setbacks we finished a test build of the game to show of our skills. And since then we have only gotten better. I have kept one member of my old team and we are working with one other talented artist on a new Unity project called credulous. A Binding of Isaac style game.
This project is very similar to the game Slime Rancher, we did this as we thought it was a fun engaging gameplay loop and we loved the style. We tried to mimic the style and add our own flavour. I did this by having Linear animations that go pose to pose without interpalation, and also adding a pixle effect to the screen to emulate pixle art games.
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